“For this cause I lift thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that we are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I have appointed thee…” Titus 1:5
What is A.P.E.C.T.?
A.P.E.C.T. is the acronym for Apostolic & Prophetic Emerging Churches Together and is an expanding network of like-minded apostles and prophets, including five-fold ministries and the churches, ministries and organizations that they lead, relating together in covenant relationship and under the Apostolic oversight and visionary leadership of Apostle Alvin Green. Those affiliating with A.P.E.C.T. will share in a divine mandate to advance Apostolic Reformation and God’s end-time kingdom gathering of souls in the earth, affecting the destiny of nations an ultimately realizing the fulfillment of the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Apostle Alvin Green has influenced numerous churches throughout the United States of America and many nations around the world. The preaching on Apostolic Reformation and a New Wine Skin has triggered a powerful apostolic movement in many of these churches. Through identifying emerging apostles an prophets, A.P.E.C.T. creates a place of relationship, apostolic impartation and apostolic grace to be deposited in the lives of those within the network.
A.P.E.C.T. is a network where training and teaching present day truth, revelation, conducting prophetic presbytery, seminars and conferences will be a priority. We believe this will create greater acceleration of the apostolic maturity and the anointing to build strong governing territorial “Antioch” churches. Antioch New Testament churches release relevant and cutting edge apostolic and prophetic ministries that are changing the spiritual atmosphere over cities, regions, and nations.
A.P.E.C.T.’s vision is identify, develop, and publicly recognize through ordination and release emerging apostles, prophets, and the entire five-fold ministry that God is calling into relationship with Apostle Alvin Green and A.P.E.C.T. and become partakers of the apostolic grace that is upon his life in the same way that Apostle Paul encouraged those at Philippi.